
Written by: Cait Elizabeth - May 2019
Edited by: Travis Ryan


Scatterbrained. is a meeting of minds between Andrew Nicolae (singer/guitar) and Nicholas “Clutch” Colecchia (poet/percussion), two seasoned musicians. They each have had “their fair share of musical endeavors between bands and solo growth,” as they see it. After meeting and falling in friendship at a Memorial Day pool party in 2016, they knew that something musical would be born. It was confirmed a few weeks later when they both coincidentally ended up at the PlayStation Theater in Manhattan to see Four Year Strong and The Story So Far. After the show they traded music hope, dreams, and preferences; finding that they were both on the same page in many aspects, they began collaborating together the very next day. At that time Andrew was the guitarist for the beloved local band GutterLIFE, and Clutch was a freelance percussionist. By December Clutch had joined Andrew’s previously solo project A.N.A., which they toured with through the Northeast. GutterLIFE disbanded (much to the island’s dismay) in the summer of 2018, but with a renewed focus, the team turned to their project and birthed Scatterbrained.

While you may be seeing Scatterbrained. on lineups across the island (and beyond!), fans are patiently waiting for new music to release—the pair is very selective with what gets put out to the public. Each and every track is recorded, produced, and mastered by Andrew and Clutch personally. With such high standards for quality, the music they have out feels beautifully polished.

One of Scatterbrained.’s top priorities when writing music is to establish a connection to the listeners. It’s important to them to provide listeners with reassurance that they’re not isolated and that there are sympathetic and like-minded souls not far away. “We get it, we are here too. It’s all good now. You’re not alone,” Andrew soothes. Two of their favorite songs that check that reassurance box are still awaiting release, but you may catch them at a live show. “Silence is Clarity” is a song about the tug of war between the self and society, the process of accepting the ebbs and flows of life and finding our place in the world. It mixes indie-prog rock sounds with spoken word poetry to describe the effects of loneliness and the struggling of changing moods. Another favorite, “BLACK SMOKE”, is an even heavier song that discusses embracing your unique personality and the strain of substance abuse. “Set boundaries so you can breathe and appreciate what you still have in this world,” the band reminds us.


Between time spent as A.N.A. and as Scatterbrained., the pair has played all across the coastal Northeast. The band keeps busy playing weekly local shows and attending conferences such as the Millennium Music Conference in Harrisburg, PA and the Cape May Singer/Songwriter Conference whenever possible. They are slated to play a full set for our friends over at Fresh Brewed Sessions where they will have one song professionally recorded live.

Andrew and Clutch joined the “South Shore Tour” around the Northeast in April of 2017. They joined nine rappers on the road, playing at frat houses and general house parties in some in-state college towns. Stopping through spots like Ithaca and Geneseo, the tour shook up Upstate New York for five days straight before coming back down to visit Connecticut. Nearly a dozen men crashed at the house of a local promoter who supplied a sea of air mattresses; you know, classic touring. One of the residents offered to show the guys to a local studio, but when she went inside and didn’t come back they got nervous and left her behind. They heard it bad when she finally made the long walk back home and demanded an explanation. While sheepishly explaining that they panicked and ran, she heatedly shot back that she had the hookup in that scene and they were toast. At that point one of the guys casually took her phone, added himself on her Instagram, and removed himself from the heated conversation by way of a closed door. A few months down the line he ended up playing a show that she was promoting through Instagram. Turns out sometimes a little ballsiness pays off.




Scatterbrained. lists Twenty One Pilots, City and Colour, Taking Back Sunday, September Stories, Lower Than Atlantis, Hotel Books, Panic! At The Disco, Young the Giant, Say Anything, Enter Shikari, and Alt-J among their musical inspirations. They are also driven by bringing people together with music to promote respect and understanding. “Respect for the fellow human, realizing any and all answers are at your fingertips, you actually DO have control and gaining the knowledge of perceptive Perspectives” is the general philosophy behind Scatterbrained.

- The Plethora of Perpetuating “P’s”: Our Priceless Purpose
- Priorities, Perception, perspectives, Patience, Perseverance, Prosperity, Peace, Positivity
— Scatterbrained.